Friday 13 January 2012

Marks in Time pt2

Name The classy setting for the Autumn 2007 advert, explain why it was selected and what meanings it expresses?

3)The classy setting for the M&S Autumn 2007 advert is aboard the Orient Express Train. I believe that the choice of this location to film the advert was to demonstrate the exotic and lavish materials and services that the far east of Asia has to offer. Many of the fabrics from these countries are the necessary to produce a majority of M&S clothing. Also a high percentage of of food stuffs and labour for M&S companies is situated in the Orient. The beautiful women aboard this legendary locomotive empowers M&S due to its respect for the environment and preservation of the original birthplace of all of its commodities, whether they be workers or produce.

 Describe the target audience of 'Your M&S' and what the view is based on?
4)The target audience for ‘Your M&S’ advert is women, most probably in the age group of late middle thirties to middle sixties most of whom are either ‘housewives’ or do the shopping for themselves or a family. I have based this prediction on the ages of the models who are involved in the shoot. The youngest is Myleene Klass; 33 and the oldest is Twiggy ; 62, these are women from a greatly varied age group. However this particular advert unlike many of the ‘Your M&S’ before glorifies women of this particular age group as chique and beautiful by showing them indulging decadently in the environment of the Orient Express along with alcoholic beverages and M&S clothing and lingerie. This is a very appearance conscious demographic in Western society, the advertisement creator has taken this into account and chosen to use the brand to empower this demographic that often feel under appreciated or taken for granted as housewives and recreates them decadent figures of beauty as they wish to be seen.

1 comment:

  1. your answer to question three is interesting. I think the Orient Express and the style of clothing connotes Art Deco and the 30s. An extremely glamorous movement. The analysis of the age of the models is probably a good way of interpreting the target (middle-aged women). However, not sure about the housewives. In fact, I would say the opposite, professional women who need suits for work and (can afford) glamorous evening garments.
